Um, do they have to be good comics? And how complete/long? And does it go from am on the 18 to the 19th? I can pencil but I don't wanna ink it... lol! Lazy!
Well, the only rule seems to be 24 pages in 24 hours. But most people strive for 'good', however they define it. You wouldn't want to spend a day of your life on a bad comic, now would you?
I will be doing much of my comic straight-to-ink, using white-out for mistakes.
Liven up your family Christmas dinner, and eradicate flies at the same time!#torturesforflies #offplanetfilms #christmas**Although this video has an animated...
Give a fly some extra special treatment, with a pedicure that just says, "Nailed it!!"(Stay tuned for MORE...)#torturesforflies #offplanetfilms #Halloween**A...
Transform a fly into a spooky vampire for Halloween! Won't this be fun?(Stay tuned for MORE...)#torturesforflies #offplanetfilms**Although this video has an...
Stamp Collecting is no longer a boring hobby for nerds! Time to spice it up with some FLY ACTION!(Stay tuned for MORE...)#torturesforflies #offplanetfilms**...