Comics Lifestyle

Comics that no one dares or cares to share.

This site allows us to write blogs and provides us an RSS feed.
Most people I know already have a blog.

I wonder/hope there is some way existing feeds could be added into their comicslifestyle home page. (Probably via the '3rd party widget' box each person has on their homepage.

Can some bright techie advise?? That would really be awesome.

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Hmm, spat out a cute little javascript applet. Not exactly what I'm looking for; I want to stream stuff in that displays on the main page.

2am. Must sleep.
Well, I can display my comics blog on my 'member' page via the RSS feed. Now I just have to find a way to add it to the main page. Ning allows me to slap as many RSS feeds as I want on the main page, and the main page order seems to trickle down a slightly altered composition of the member pages.

Also, I could bundle up a bunch of member RSS streams via feedburner and put that in the RSS box on the main page. That might just do it. has a bundling service. Have a blog? If you're game, you can paste the RSS feed in your profile page at comicslifestyle, where it will display. Also, it could be added into a mixed blog of all participants.
Easiest would be encouraging people to use a 'comicslifestyle' tag when they post relevant material to their blog i.e.

Tags: cheese, comicslifestyle

as well as tagging 'comicslifestyle' when they post items of interest to, flickr, YouTube, etc.

Most of the comics we are interested in are under the radar so I think only a few people will be doing this.

: (

Comics Lifestyle has always been about the comics that are under the radar. And getting them the respect they deserve.

The bundled feed would/should also scan for the word comic, comics, BD, komik. I think.

I just did a test. It'd cost maybe $2 per month. Any other techies have suggestions?

David, if you're OK with it, I'll try pasting in this RSS feed as a test run. One drawback: I'm not sure tagged items can be deleted or vetted on an item by item basis.

We do have a 'blog' feature that this Ning site offers. If we're getting most of our info from the blog and a secondary comicslifestyle feed, then these are pretty redundant.

I could delete the personal blog feature altogether. (Do we really need another blog?) Or we could keep it. People could use it when they have something special to say to the community, like, 'Hey, I've just published something, go check it out!'
So do I tag relevent posts on my blog and get them picked up by the bundled feed, or do I try and make the blog feed into my comicslifestyle profile via the widget or something? I'm a little unclear as how to move forward, but from the posts I gather you are still nutting out what will work best.
Nutting still, driving me nutty! So far 'Tumblr' seems to be the best solution.

If the whole blog is about comics, (like Ord's) I can add the main feed to
If you add a tag like 'comicslifestyle' to posts you want featured on the front page, I think I can sort the specific posts out to the Tumblr blog.

If you're comfortable sharing with the world, you can plop your RSS feed in the sidebar of your profile page, like Kirrily and Stikman have done. Your words, your ideas, your call.

(Hey, is barley a cash crop in Tassie?)


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